Goodbye Fairlane, welcome home 

Goodbye Fairlane, sometimes you gotta let it go

Pop up the collar, rev up the ole’ Ford motor 

Throw the cases in back, we’re headed for the local tap 

I hear the kids really have it packed 

The spray paint is fading, nothing seems to stay the same 

It was great, it was fun, and suddenly it's done 

And another generation begun.  

You've got two In the doorway, and two to welcome you home 

Goodbye Fairlane, welcome home 

Goodbye Fairlane, sometimes you gotta let it go 

Faded robes and softened memories 

You find that under the rust it really wasn’t so bad 

Even a good goodbye like an old friend 

With a jacket pillow, sprawled across the floor of the van 

Making empties one after another 

Good and drunk again.  

A solid drunk again 

Who would have guessed, you’d be grounded in a trade

Kind of have it made 

Electricity rules okay, electricity rules 

You’ve got two in the doorway, two to welcome you home 

Goodbye Fairlane, welcome home 

Goodbye Fairlane, sometimes you gotta let it go 

(c) Stanfield