A thousand miles of whispers pave the road home to you

Over bespoken flowers that saw me through

I whisper one last clue then I'm the ghost in the room

And when the round is over that's when I fade to blue

Unlight the candles and draw the curtain closed

Sheer is the night and bright is the fading ember

I share what's left of a smile and sigh a toast to you

And when the round is over that's when I fade to blue

I fade to blue, I fade to blue

And when the round is over, that's when I fade to blue

Blue is the color of healing and love's poultice

And blue will give me the gift of a mother's kiss

I wait for the breeze to greet me and the tree limbs that embrace me

And when the round is over, that's when I fade to blue

I fade to blue, I fade to blue

And when the round is over, that's when I fade to blue

(c) Stanfield